We Are 3DMyRental

At 3DMyRental, we specialize in crafting detailed 3D floor plans for Airbnb hosts, designed to elevate property listings and boost bookings. 

Our mission is to enhance the rental experience, making your listing stand out and simplifying the booking process. 

With our professional floor plans, hosts see a significant increase in instant bookings, as a reported 87% of guests are more likely to book a property with a clear floor plan. Let us help you optimize your Airbnb success and turn potential guests into confirmed bookings with ease.

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3D Floorplan Rendering

3 Simple Steps to Get Started


Select Your Product


Select the product you wish to have, identify the number of floors, then add to cart and make payment.


Submit Your Information


An order confirmation email will be sent instantly. 

Follow the link to our portal to complete a brief information form, including two important items: a link to your listing and a 2-dimensional floor plan sketch. 

(for various ways to satisfy this

requirement see our FAQs for sketch info).


Review & Edit to Completion


Within a week, you will be notified by email with a link to view/download your first rendering. 

Choose “Accept” or “I Still Need Changes.” For changes, upload a file with your edits and/or provide a narrative in the comment section, and we will work with the two revisions included in your order to get it right. 

We will be sure to call you if we need any clarification along the way. 

Ultimately, you will have a high-resolution, customized 3D rendering of your vacation rental that you can upload as a JPG or PNG file in your listings’ photo galleries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes 3DMyRental's floor plans more effective than standard photographs or videos in my property listings?

Our 3D floor plans transform the way guests interact with your property listings. Unlike static photographs or lengthy videos, our floor plans provide an instant, comprehensive view of your space. They allow guests to understand the layout, flow, and scale of your property at a glance, making it easier for them to envision themselves in the space. This level of detail not only enhances the user experience but also leads to a higher confidence in booking decisions, often resulting in fewer questions and more instant bookings for our hosts.

Can 3D floor plans really impact my rental’s booking rates?

Yes, they can. Properties featuring 3D floor plans often see an uptick in booking rates. This visual tool not only distinguishes your listing but also provides potential renters with a clear and immediate understanding of what to expect, reducing hesitation and encouraging quicker booking decisions. Our clients have reported a notable decrease in the time their properties stay on the market after including 3D floor plans in their listings.

Will 3D floor plans integrate seamlessly with my existing rental platforms?

Absolutely. Our 3D floor plans are compatible with all major rental platforms, including Airbnb and VRBO. Our 3D floor plans are delivered to you in a high-resolution JPG format, which you can easily upload directly to your existing listings just like any other image. 

How accurate are the 3D floor plans compared to the actual property layout?

Our 3D floor plans are crafted with precision and attention to detail. We use the dimensions and photos you provide to create an accurate representation of your property. This ensures that guests get an authentic feel for the space, contributing to a transparent and trustworthy booking experience.

What if I don't have the dimensions?

Don't have professional floor plans? No worries, we can still create your 3D rendering:

1. Use Your Property Appraisal: It often includes a basic sketch. Just add details like doors and windows before sending it to us.

2. Sketch It Yourself: On any paper, draw the layout with exterior and interior details. Accuracy matters more than artistry!

3. Video Walk-through: A smartphone video tour can give us a good sense of space. Even better with a simple sketch.

Can't manage these? Our CAD team can turn photos and a basic sketch into a detailed plan for a nominal fee at checkout. Easy and efficient!

What if I need to update my 3D floor plan?

Updating your 3D floor plan with us is hassle-free. If there have been changes to your property or you simply want to refresh the look of your plan, get in touch with us, and we'll make the necessary revisions. Our goal is to ensure that your listing’s floor plan remains up-to-date and continues to drive bookings effectively.

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