Meeting the Modern Renter's Expectations

Elevate Every Listing into a Visual Journey. With 3D My Rental, watch as your properties come to life, captivating guests' attention and fast-tracking your booking rates. Where every detail inspires action.

Fast-Track Your Success: Transform Your Rental in Just 1 week

Are your listings getting lost in the sea of online rentals? Common hurdles like ineffective space highlighting, silent browsers, and lack of engagement could be holding you back. In today's competitive market, it's not just about listing your space – it's about making it stand out. That's where 3DMyRental comes in.

  • Ineffective Use of Space Highlighting: Property owners find it challenging to effectively showcase the unique features and optimal use of space in their properties, which could otherwise enhance the attractiveness of their listings.

  • Silent Browsers: Guests often exit listings without engaging or asking questions, likely due to uninspiring visuals that fail to capture the essence or answer key concerns about the property.

  • Lack of Engagement with Listings: Hosts face the challenge of making their listings stand out in a saturated market, where engaging potential guests quickly is crucial for securing bookings.

  • Misinterpretation of Property Size and Structure: Potential guests often misinterpret the size and structure of a property based on traditional listings, leading to mismatched expectations upon arrival.

Recognizing these challenges, we've tailored our services to provide you with the solution you need. With a swift, one-week turnaround, 3D My Rental elevates your property from a simple listing to a captivating experience that stands out. This upgrade to your marketing arsenal is not just about visual appeal; it's about providing clear, detailed insights into your space that resonate with potential guests, making them more likely to book, and less likely to browse away. It's about transforming interest into action.

Transform first impressions into bookings by showcasing your property’s layout and decor with our realistic 3D floor plans, inviting guests to imagine their perfect stay.

 Immersive Experience - A World Within Your Reach

Picture this: a potential guest lands on your property listing and is immediately transported inside the space, moving effortlessly through rooms, across hallways, and out onto the patio. With 3D My Rental's immersive experience, that's precisely the journey we offer. Instead of merely viewing static images, your guests can now virtually step into your property. They can feel the spaciousness of the living room, envision family gatherings in the dining area, and even soak in the ambiance of a cozy bedroom. 

This level of immersion sparks their imagination, making them not just curious but genuinely excited about the prospect of staying in your rental. It's like an open invitation to explore and fall in love with your property, and that emotional connection can be the tipping point that transforms a potential guest into a confirmed booking.

Time Efficiency - Streamlining Property Selection to Capture Hearts

Imagine your guests saving valuable time and effort in their property search, thanks to 3D My Rental's 3D floor plans. Our meticulously crafted visuals allow them to quickly assess your rental's layout, design, and space distribution, leaving no room for ambiguity. This newfound efficiency not only expedites their decision-making process but also captivates their attention. With such a comprehensive view at their fingertips, guests often find themselves so enamored by your property that they have little desire to explore other listings. It's about providing a seamless experience that respects your guests' time while ensuring you maximize your property's occupancy rate.

By streamlining the property selection process and captivating your audience, we not only make their search effortless but also increase the likelihood of quicker bookings, ensuring they choose your rental over any other.

True-to-Life Accuracy - Unveil the Authentic Beauty of Your Property

In the world of online property listings, clarity is key. With 3D My Rental's meticulous attention to detail, our 3D floor plans offer true-to-life accuracy that eliminates guesswork for your guests. These floor plans not only showcase your property but also serve as reliable guides, reflecting the proportions and layout with precision. As potential guests explore your rental virtually, they gain an authentic sense of space and design, ensuring there are no surprises upon arrival.

This level of clarity sets the right expectations from the outset, reducing misunderstandings and setting the stage for an unforgettable guest experience. From the moment they embark on their virtual tour to the end of their actual stay, guests will appreciate the transparency and authenticity of your listing. This assurance enhances guest satisfaction and fosters trust, making them more likely to choose your property over others. It's not just about showcasing your space; it's about unveiling its true beauty and ensuring your guests feel confident in their choice.

Strategic Marketing - Captivating Narratives That Convert

In the fiercely competitive world of property rentals, it's not enough to just showcase your space; you need to tell a compelling story. That's where 3D My Rental's strategic marketing comes into play.

Our 3D renderings are more than just images; they are carefully crafted narratives. Imagine potential guests exploring your property and discovering enticing features highlighted strategically in our renderings. Whether it's cozy reading nooks or expansive sunset-view patios, we curate your property's unique story to resonate with your target audience.

But it's not just about aesthetics; it's about driving highly effective marketing. By aligning your property's narrative with your ideal guests' preferences, we ensure your marketing efforts consistently hit the mark. With 3D My Rental's strategic marketing, you're not just renting space; you're renting dreams and experiences, making your property the irresistible choice among a sea of options.

Seamless Integration

At 3D My Rental, we prioritize simplicity when it comes to integrating our 3D floor plans into your property listings. Our user-friendly approach allows you to effortlessly upload the floor plans as photos into your property's gallery, making them compatible with any website or platform. Whether you're tech-savvy or just getting started, our streamlined process ensures that you can enhance your listings with stunning visuals without any hassle. It's as easy as uploading a photo, yet it adds a new dimension to your property's appeal. Experience the convenience and effectiveness of 3D My Rental, where simplicity meets excellence in property presentation.

  • Airbnb

  • VRBO

  • Personal Site

Make your rental stand out in the crowd. Our 3D floor plans bring every detail to life, ensuring guests don't just browse — they book.

Our Journey from Hosts to Innovators

At 3D My Rental, our story is as simple as it is exciting. We started with just two properties of our own, and when we added 3D floor plans to our listings, the impact was remarkable. Our bookings soared, and we couldn't ignore the positive feedback from our renters. We realized that we had something special, a product that made a real difference. That's when the idea of 3D My Rental was born. It's a story of how passion, firsthand experience, and a desire to help hosts like you led to the creation of a game-changing service.

It's Easy as 1-2-3!

Step 1: Select Your Product

Select the product you wish to have, identify the number of floors, then add to cart and make payment.

Step 2: Submit Your Information

An order confirmation email will be sent instantly. 

Follow the link to our portal to complete a brief information form about your property.

Step 3: Review & Edit to Completion

Within a week, you'll receive an email with your first rendering. Choose 'Accept' or 'I Still Need Changes.' If revisions are needed, upload them or describe in comments; we allow two revisions. We'll call for clarification if necessary. You'll get a high-res, customized 3D rendering for your rental, ready to upload as a JPG/PNG.

Why Choose 3DMyRental?

Evidence-Based Success:

Our service is rooted in real-world success; we developed our 3D floor plans after they significantly increased our own property bookings.

Smart Investment

Invest in a service that delivers real returns, enhancing your listing's appeal and directly contributing to a higher occupancy rate.

Unique Expertise:

With over 15 years in the rental business, we understand the challenges and needs of our fellow hosts. Our services are crafted from firsthand experience, ensuring they're precisely what you need to elevate your property's appeal and performance.

Personalized Support

We prioritize your needs with personalized service and support, standing by for clarifying calls and tailored assistance.

Innovative Approach

Leverage the latest in 3D visualization technology, with a service designed to keep your listings modern, engaging, and ahead of trends

Renter-Centric Design:

By focusing on the details that matter most to renters, our 3D floor plans help them envision living in your space, leading to quicker booking decisions and more satisfied guests.

✔️ 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

What We’ve Achieved

Trusted by Hosts Worldwide: See What They're Saying

Great Investment!

I have seen my bookings increase since I put them up so I was able to raise prices. This investment easily paid for itself in a few weeks! They've made a difference by having me stay booked through the slow season. Our Airbnb has a funky layout that is hard to convey in photos or boring 2D floor plans, so I knew I needed something to show it from a clear perspective. 

  • Christopher R.

    • Verified Buyer

SO Happy with my designs!!

3D My Rental was EXACTLY what I was looking for! I can't believe how easy it was to set up and how amazing the renderings look. The detail is incredible...down to the actual artwork on my walls. So impressive!

  • Stacey R.

    • Verified Buyer

Excellent service - won't list a property without 3D renderings

I've used 3DMyRental for all my properties and all my guests love them. I used to use hand-drawn sketches but these 3D renderings provide a higher level of detail and accuracy. It's so important to set proper expectations and I'm able to do so with these renderings. Definitely 5* and I recommend to all my fellow hosts

  • Nicholas L.

    • Verified Buyer

Excellent rendering of our cottage

We have a vacation rental cottage built in the 1940s, and there was no 'floorplan" to send to prospects when asked. Many times our potential guests needed to know the layout to decide sleeping arrangements. This was especially helpful when several generations were traveling together and proximity of the bedrooms and bathrooms were important. With the 3D floorplan, we not only got a floorplan, but a very realistic "doll house'' like image showing the furniture yet unlike the 3D tours, it was far easier to see and understand at-a-glance. It is too early to know the impact in terms of rentals, but I am confident it will be helpful. Here is a web page we created to showcase the images.

  • Megan O.

    • Verified Buyer

Frequently asked questions

What makes 3DMyRental's floor plans more effective than standard photographs or videos in my property listings?

Our 3D floor plans transform the way guests interact with your property listings. Unlike static photographs or lengthy videos, our floor plans provide an instant, comprehensive view of your space. They allow guests to understand the layout, flow, and scale of your property at a glance, making it easier for them to envision themselves in the space. This level of detail not only enhances the user experience but also leads to a higher confidence in booking decisions, often resulting in fewer questions and more instant bookings for our hosts.

Can 3D floor plans really impact my rental’s booking rates?

Yes, they can. Properties featuring 3D floor plans often see an uptick in booking rates. This visual tool not only distinguishes your listing but also provides potential renters with a clear and immediate understanding of what to expect, reducing hesitation and encouraging quicker booking decisions. Our clients have reported a notable decrease in the time their properties stay on the market after including 3D floor plans in their listings.

Will 3D floor plans integrate seamlessly with my existing rental platforms?

Absolutely. Our 3D floor plans are compatible with all major rental platforms, including Airbnb and VRBO. Our 3D floor plans are delivered to you in a high-resolution JPG format, which you can easily upload directly to your existing listings just like any other image. 

How accurate are the 3D floor plans compared to the actual property layout?

Our 3D floor plans are crafted with precision and attention to detail. We use the dimensions and photos you provide to create an accurate representation of your property. This ensures that guests get an authentic feel for the space, contributing to a transparent and trustworthy booking experience.

What if I don't have the dimensions?

Don't have professional floor plans? No worries, we can still create your 3D rendering:

1. Use Your Property Appraisal: It often includes a basic sketch. Just add details like doors and windows before sending it to us.

2. Sketch It Yourself: On any paper, draw the layout with exterior and interior details. Accuracy matters more than artistry!

3. Video Walk-through: A smartphone video tour can give us a good sense of space. Even better with a simple sketch.

Can't manage these? Our CAD team can turn photos and a basic sketch into a detailed plan for a nominal fee at checkout. Easy and efficient!

What if I need to update my 3D floor plan?

Updating your 3D floor plan with us is hassle-free. If there have been changes to your property or you simply want to refresh the look of your plan, get in touch with us, and we'll make the necessary revisions. Our goal is to ensure that your listing’s floor plan remains up-to-date and continues to drive bookings effectively.

Transforming Rentals with Immersive 3D Experiences

  • Visual Appeal

  • Increased Engagement

  • Competitive Edge

  • Streamlined Decision-Making

✔️100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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